Anna Shillabeer
Anna Shillabeer
Anna Shillabeer has a first class honours degree in online education and a PhD in medical informatics from the Flinders University of South Australia. She has been a university academic, including as a head of department, for over a decade in Australian, America and Vietnam based universities. Anna is currently the Teaching Program Director (Computing and Mathematical Sciences), Head of ICT and Director of the Flinders Cisco Academy. Anna’s research focuses on personalised healthcare and education technology and performance improvement and she is considered a world expert in Vietnamese medical education. She is a member of CHIFA based in the UK, the education research group of Adelaide and is an invited member of the panel of academic experts for TEQSA in Australia.
Anna has been an independent consultant for over 20 years, specialising in higher education, corporate capacity building and health information. Anna has recently published a book on the state of health care and health education in Vietnam with Springer and has over 20 global publications in health, education and computer science.